Residential FAQ

  • How do fire sprinklers work?

    Depending on the type of system, water in the sprinkler systems pipes is constantly under pressure. At each sprinkler head, a plug holds the water back. When sufficient heat reaches a sprinkler head, depending on the type of mechanism used, one of the following actions occurs: The special solder that holds the plug-in place melts or the bubble in the glass vial in the sprinkler head expands enough to break the glass. In either case, the plug is released, and the water begins to flow. Water will continue flowing until an emergency responder mechanically turns off the system.

  • Where do I start?

    If your home builder is not familiar with contractors that install residential fire sprinklers, you still have several options.

    Ask your local or state fire marshal if contractors in your state are required to be licensed. If they are, contact the state licensing board for a current list of licensed contractors.

    Contact fire sprinkler contractor associations for names of residential sprinkler contractors in your area.

    Any professional fire sprinkler contractor can install sprinklers, but for best results look for a contractor that specializes in residential fire sprinklers or one that has a residential sprinkler installation unit within the company.

  • What if my home will not be connected to a public water supply?

    Homes can be protected by automatic fire sprinklers in even the most remote areas. Several manufacturers offer self-contained water tanks to supply residential fire sprinklers. These tanks are designed to fit in your garage or another storage area of the home, and they hold enough water to comply with the National Fire Protection Association Standard 13D, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems in One- and Two-Family Dwellings and Manufactured Homes.

  • How long will installation take?

    Fire sprinkler installations are like electricity, plumbing or any other operational system in your home. The total time involved will depend on the size and complexity of your home.

  • Will smoke set off my fire sprinkler system?

    Absolutely not, a fire sprinkler requires actual heat to activate. A smoke alarm may be audible and detect smoke, but it will not set off a fire sprinkler.

  • Will my insurance premiums go up?

    No. Generally insurance rates will go down because fire sprinklers will keep damage low. Shop around; the savings vary by insurance company.

  • How do I take care of my fire sprinklers?

    Residential fire sprinklers are basically maintenance free. The only testing required on a regular basis is opening the drain/test valve to check the alarm operation. Fire sprinklers are designed to operate properly for 20 years or more without any maintenance.

    Some basic precautions to safeguard your fire sprinklers are:

    Avoid painting or otherwise covering the fire sprinkler devices, as that will affect their sensitivity to heat.

    Do not hang decorations, plants or other objects from the sprinkler or piping.